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The Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) is an annual event that focuses on promoting the development of the sharia economy in Indonesia. The festival brings together various stakeholders including businesses, investors, scholars, and policymakers to discuss and showcase the latest trends and innovations in the sharia economy.

The ISEF covers a wide range of topics related to the sharia economy such as Islamic finance, halal industry, Islamic social finance, and Islamic entrepreneurship. The festival provides a platform for businesses and entrepreneurs to connect with investors and financiers, as well as to showcase their products and services to a wider audience.

The event is organized by the Indonesian Sharia Economic Society (MES) in collaboration with various partners including the government, private sector, and academia. The festival has been held annually since 2014 and has become a prominent event in the sharia economy calendar in Indonesia.

The ISEF aims to promote the development of the sharia economy in Indonesia and to position the country as a global hub for Islamic finance and halal industry. The festival also seeks to raise public awareness about the potential of the sharia economy to contribute to sustainable economic growth and development.