In this brief interview on the red carpet at Sundance 2024, directors of the narrative documentary Agent of Happiness, Arun Bhattari (Mountain Man) and Dorottya Zurbó (Easy Lessons) spoke with me about translating the unique humor of the people of Bhutan, and how being happy is as much a mind set as it is a political mandate.
Agent of Happiness had its World Premiere in the World Cinemas Documentary Competition program at the Sundance Film Festival, held in Park City, Utah. The film is the second project Bhattarai and Zurbó have collaborated on with the 2017 documentary The Next Guardian, being their first.
Carolyn Hinds
Freelance Critic, Journalist & Podcaster
African American Film Critics Association Member, Tomatometer-Approved Critic
Co-Host & Producer So Here’s What Happened! Podcast
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Phone: (647)216 – 5283
Twitter & Instagram: @CarrieCnh12
#AgentofHappiness #ArunBhattari #MountainMan #DorottyaZurbo #EasyLessons #krushnews #Sundance2024 #SundanceFilmFestival2024 #Bhutan #WorldCinemasDocumentaryCompetitionProgram #ParkCityUtah #BhattaraiZurbocollaboration #TheNextGuardian #kcrushamericamagazine #kcrushinterview #kcrushfeaturedinterview #asianfilmdirector #narrativedocumentary #filmcompetition #kcrushtopasianentertainmentmagazine #kcrushcom #kcrushfilmfestivalcoverage #kcrush