K-Drama, also known as Korean drama, refers to televised dramas produced in South Korea. These dramas are typically shown on television networks or streaming platforms, and are usually broadcast in a serialized format, with new episodes airing on a regular basis.
K-Dramas often have a wide range of themes, including romance, family, comedy, and crime. Many K-Dramas are known for their strong character development and emotional storytelling, and they often feature large casts of well-known actors and actresses.
In addition to their popularity in South Korea, K-Dramas have also gained a significant following around the world, particularly in other parts of Asia and in North and South America. The international popularity of K-Dramas has contributed to the rise of the “Hallyu” (Korean Wave), which refers to the increasing global popularity of South Korean culture, including K-Pop, K-Dramas, and other forms of entertainment.