First Annual WAXACON is Coming Up: Here’s What You Can’t Miss

First Annual WAXACON is Coming Up: Here’s What You Can’t Miss

The first-ever WAXACON is slated for November 18th and 19th in Waxahachie, Texas. Dubbed “your friendly neighborhood comic con”, the highly anticipated event is drawing in guests from around the country. Since this year marks the very first WAXACON, many people are wondering what they can expect when it comes to this all-new comic con experience.

WAXACON is being carefully curated to deliver a completely unique experience for everyone involved. The two-day event is going to feature a wide range of exciting events that you simply won’t find elsewhere. In this article, we’ll fill you in on everything you won’t want to miss at WAXACON 2017.

1.Cosplay Contest

Free to enter, contestants can win Visa gift cards, t-shirts, and free passes to next year’s WAXACON. Mashups, original designs, and costumes from every genre will be permitted!

2.Unique Artists and Vendors

BlackWolf Armory, Comix&Beyond, Gansta Comics, Stonehenge Ocarina, Scott Harben, Brian Chuck, Rhonda Eudaly, Serena Hartfield, and Kary Cooper are among the highly talented artists and vendors who will be on-site during WAXACON.

3.Tabletop Gaming

Get up close and personal with your favorite characters – and your foes! WAXACON is going to feature several tabletop gaming stations where guests are invited to immerse themselves in their favorite games.

4.Celebrity Panels

Exclusive celebrity panels are going to give you a closer look at your favorite sci-fi actors and actresses, who will be discussing various aspects of their roles while answering questions from the audience. You won’t want to miss this exciting opportunity to chat with your favorite sci-fi characters!

5.Miltos Yerolemou

You know him as the First Sword of Brauds from Game of Thrones. Miltos Yerolemou will be at WAXACON, where he’ll be talking to fans, signing autographs, and even hosting a swordsmanship class!

Some of the other guests will include Olivia Hack (Family Guy and Clone Wars), Chuck Huber (Star Trek Continues, Borderlands 2, and Dragonball Z), Corin Nemec (Star Trek Renegades and Stargate SG-1), Christopher R. Mihm (writer and director known for his work on Cave Women On Mars, Destination: Outer Space, and The Wall People).

If you’re looking for the comic con experience of a lifetime, we highly recommend checking out WAXACON 2017! Tickets are now available and can be purchased on the WAXACON website at www.waxacon.com.

—-Denise Coley

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