Day6 Rock At Toronto Kpop Con

Day6 made their first North American appearance at Toronto Kpop Con on the third and final day of the convention. This was a particularly special show for member YoungK who considers Toronto his home.

Day6 began their fan meeting with ‘Blood’ and ‘Like That Sun’. The members were all smiles as they introduced themselves individually, with YoungK receiving the largest amount of cheers from the hometown crowd. The members were then asked questions fans wrote down on sticky notes. When asked what member they would like to trade with Jae showed his cheeky side, responding that he would like to trade guitars with Sungjin.

Day6 then played a balloon popping game to prep for the next game with fans. Each member and their selected fan were given pedometers and the pair with the highest score won.

Day6 also performed “Congratulations’, ‘Hunt’ and ‘Wish’. Fans sang along to every song and prepared banners to hold up during ‘Letting Go’. The members were very touched by this, with Jae saying he was close to tears.

Day6 are not the average Kpop group and this variety made Toronto Kpop Con as a whole a better experience. I was seriously impressed with how they sound live and how much energy they can put into a crowd while playing instruments.

If you have the chance I definitely suggest seeing them. Day6 will be performing in the US in August in Orlando, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

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Denise Coley: